We Don't Eat ClusterTruck Every Day

Chris Pfeiffer - Director of Data Science

Oct 3rd, 2019

Can we even say that? Don’t get me wrong, we love ClusterTruck, and a lot of us around here have even crossed the 1,000-order mark. But, we can’t possibly eat it for every meal.

For the majority of our lunches, we start group orders on our Slack app and take short work breaks while nommin’ our favorite dishes, and talking about the latest Netflix series or new tech trends.

Occasionally though, we get out of the office in search of something different or some inspiration. We’ll head to new hole-in-the-walls or long-time favorites. We meet the owners, smell the smells, and enjoy the presentations of the dishes. Those are the kind of experiences that you simply can’t have through the third-party delivery middlemen.

So, if you’re going out this week, enjoy! When you’re ready to order in, remember one thing…just as every detail of your favorite restaurant was thought through to create that special dining experience, every detail of ClusterTruck and its technology has been designed to make your delivery experience special.